We’re all
busy, and sometimes dating just isn’t our number one priority, that’s
just a side effect of modern life.
However, if it feels like your relationship with a
guy consists mostly of texts and cute emojis, you may want to ask yourself if
it’s actually worth it. Here are a few signs you’re actually dating your
phone and not him:
1. You get good morning texts instead of actual “good mornings”.
The good morning text is something we have a love/hate relationship
with. On the plus side, it’s such a great feeling to wake up and have
such a cute and thoughtful message waiting for you, but waking up next
to him and hearing those two little words in person would be definitely
2. You have seen more selfies of him than his actual face. Dating Your Phone
When you’re dating him mostly through your phone, your camera roll is
likely stocked with selfies he’s sent you on various occasions and yet,
you haven’t seen him in real life quite as much, which is bullshit. In
an ideal scenario, you’d be in selfies together because you would be
spending the face-time together instead.
3. You rarely ever make plans to see each other.
Being busy does often mean you have less time to dedicate to romance,
but that’s no excuse to put off building a real connection with someone
in favor of the one you’re getting through your phone. You may as well
be dating a robot. Spending time with the guy you’re dating in real life
is more important than keeping in touch through text all day, every
4. When you are out together you are texting all night.
Whenever the two of you go out separately (which is most of the
time), you’re texting constantly throughout the night to the point that
you almost feel like you’re together…but you aren’t. The person he is
via text isn’t the whole picture, it’s just a small part of him, and you
need to know all facets in order to date someone.Dating Your Phone
5. It feels like you know him well, despite not spending much time together.
When you’re dating a guy mostly through your phone, you feel like you
really know him well. And who can blame you? You spend a lot of time
chatting with him about your lives. However, you don’t actually have
many memories together…unless you count chat history as everlasting
memories.Dating Your Phone
6. You feel like you are a part of his world even if you are just watching from the outside. Dating Your Phone
You feel like you’re a big part of his day-to-day life, but there’s
no real proof of it besides a long, scrolling text history. You might
want more, but that doesn’t seem to be forthcoming.
7. You have zero idea where the relationship is going.
The most baffling part of being in a text-heavy relationship is that
you really have no idea where things are going. You might wonder to
yourself if you’re only keeping in contact to feel some type of
connection to someone until an actual relationship opportunity presents
Say no to dating phones!
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