Friday, May 20, 2016

Woman Drinks a Glass of Salty Water to Prevent Pregnancy- see what happens after.

An unwanted pregnancy can ruin your life. So, what does one do after unprotected S*x’ to avoid it? Some people suggest you can drink a glass of salt water or Andrews salt to prevent it.
This idea is widely discussed on the Internet. You can find both men and women, who testify they used the remedy and avoided undesirable S*x’ consequences. Andrews salt is a laxative and it is thought the drug can help to prevent pregnancy if taken soon after the intercourse.
Some ladies use salt water to wash the sperm out and they believe it possesses certain properties able to kill sperm cells inside their vaginas. So, what happened to that woman after she had a glass of salt water?
For one, she did not prevent pregnancy and it was a rather shocking discovery for the girl. You see, sperm is fast. It can fun up the vagina with the speed of over 40 km per hour! It is quite hard to stop or wash it out.
Secondly, drinking too much of salt water can have some very negative health effects. Douching is no good either. Salt water can dry up vagina and cause severe itching and other sensitive problems. If you drink too much of it, you get dehydrated and in the hot African climate it can lead to fainting or even death!
So, what does one do to prevent a pregnancy after unrpotected S*x? Well, there are the no abortion emergency pills. If you take them the same day or the next day they can prevent conception, but still there is no 100 percent guarantee there. Life is strong in us. The truth is there is no birth control method that guarantees you would not get pregnant. Avoiding S*x’ all together is the only option! Or, be prepared to give a new life.

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