Sunday, May 15, 2016

Man beats doctor to death for joking about his small manhood

A 35-year-old man named Marthinus van der Walt was arrested for allegedly beating a doctor, Louis Heyns to death over a joke on the size of his manhood, during a sexual encounter in South Africa.
The late doctor who was pediatrician and academic, reportedly approached the suspect for a one night stand.
After the price for the sexual encounter was given, the doctor grabbed the suspects manhood in dismay, saying that the amount was too costly for a manhood of such a small size.
This made the suspect very angry as he resorted to violence to Express his annoyance, thoroughly beating the doctor to death and burying him in a shallow grave, upon realization of what he had done.
Walt who was convicted of first degree murder, raised a plea of being under the influence of drugs.
He was subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment.

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